
Sunday, August 15, 2010


No memorial with religious affiliations would be appropriate on or near GROUND ZERO. PERIOD! Not Protestant; Not Catholic; Not Jewish; Not Hindu; Not Buhdist...NONE, NOTHING, NIL!!!

Bloomberg's and Obama's time would be much better spent worrying about the lack of the Freedom Tower, after a decade of Silverman's capitalistic BS, rather than straining their brains trying to hammer home a mosque that the American majority abhors. The scant scent of impropriety is more than enough to slam the door on this puppy.

Come on you pathetic, greedy, political cows, do something right at least once during your dismal administrations and build a memorial to the murdered Americans without dragging-out all the foolish garbage you both exist on politically.

If you cannot do the right thing for the right reason, just think of the fact that decades from now, when people look at the Freedom Tower, they'll think (however inappropriately)" Bloomberg and Obama got that built! They must have been leaders with true vision. It's ashame we don't have leadership of that caliber today."


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