
Sunday, August 15, 2010


The cards are marked. The dice are loaded. The mainstream news outlets are fair and balanced. Anyone who does not realize the media is a sham, ought to move back to the asylum.

Predictably, Obama-run news and information outlets like CNN, ABC, MSNBC, THE NEW YORK TIMES, THE WASHINGTON POST, NBC, CBS and the rest of the sell-outs, have slowly, but surely, begun referring to the Ground Zero MOSQUE, as the MUSLIM COMMUNITY CENTER. Isn’t it peculiar how that reference changed, just as the opposition to a MOSQUE increased. After all, it’s much harder to oppose an innocent-sounding, so-called “Community Center” than a “Mosque”. Hey, if it walks, talks and quacks like a mosque … you know the rest.

But even that wasn’t enough for these shameless liars. Now they are claiming that “a majority of ‘Manhattanites’ favor the Community Center” [for re-education of infidels]. Any native Mahattanite (their term, not mine) will attest to the FACT that it is nearly impossible to find a resident living in the 5 boroughs who favors construction of a Muslim Re-education of Infidels Center at Ground Zero. Well, except for greedy little golems, like Bloomberg and his pal Silverstein, who stand to become [even more] FILTHY rich on the backs of real New Yorkers and the dead of 9-11 by catering to the terrorist’s demands.

These pathetic, disingenuous, money crazy evil lunatics, should be run out of NYC on a rail. After a decade, they cannot even begin the 9-11 FREEDOM TOWER MEMORIAL, yet, they can slide a controversial MUSLIM MEMORIAL into place in a few months! And if you dare to oppose them, you’re not a concerned citizen or patriot, you’re a racist; a bigot, or worse.

Anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear, knows that there is MONEY for our so-called “leaders” in the Muslim TERRORIST’S Memorial [to victory over America on 9-11.] Bloomberg, Obama and the rest will not get as rich, as quickly, building the FREEDOM TOWER. So, you guessed it, they support the Muslim Memorial regardless of all the legitimate issues clouding it's existance. They’ve got all the power, all the money, and the position to accomplish whatever is most economically expedient, and beneficial, for themselves. Now, there’s the truth you aren’t going to read in The Obama-Bloomberg Gazette. It’s “all the news that’s fit to print,” to borrow the tagline of a once great newspaper - turned ugly, political cow.

Silverstein and Bloomberg should be tossed out of New York [and America] on their traitorous rear ends. First, they should be stripped of all their ill-begotten gains (which would be used to build the FREEDOM TOWER; a proper Memorial to AMERICA’S dead.) Of course, you’ll sooner see monkeys fly out of their b#@%ts. WELCOME, TO THE MACHINE!


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