
Monday, April 30, 2012


For some time now we have heard and read that Barack Hussein Obama is not “natural born” and has no Constitutional right to be president. It has been splashed across the pages of Right Side News and elsewhere for months; probably years. It doesn’t mean much to a few, but most Americans understand that these rules were adopted by the original Congress for very dire reasons. Barack Hussein Obama has now shown us just how DIRE those reasons are.

Some pundits say Obama cannot be removed now because it would lead to unbridled rioting as Black Americans claimed it was some sort of White man’s lie to get rid of the only African American to ever become president. I’m White and I disagree because I respect my Black brethren and believe they cherish America just as I do.

Black Americans, just like White Americans, see their bills getting higher and higher and know that Obama is the reason. They are paying more at the pump and the supermarket, just like the rest of us. Can Black Americans be so full of hate for their home that they would prefer to see it go down in civil war, with a tyrannical dictatorship awaiting them at the other end? I won’t believe it. Yes, there are a small group of discontents intent on getting something for nothing and Obama was masterful at manipulating such people. These folks will always be among us, but even many of them know in their hearts that they are wrong and that Obama is wrong.

It’s time for ALL AMERICAN masses, Black and White and Hispanic and Everyone else, to start rising to get Obama and Biden out. Waiting for November is foolish when you think of all the damage Obama and his cohorts could do even in that short time. You can bet they are planning to do their worst.

The alternative is the end of the United States behind an evil man named Barack Hussein Obama, backed by an even more evil man named George Soros. We have got to excise these charlatans from our Homeland for now and forever and implement strong safeguards against this type of criminal act from ever occurring again.

George Todd earned a BS from Syracuse University and a Juris Doctor from Southeastern University. He is a disabled, retired attorney from upstate New York, where he enjoys living with his wife, Joan, practicing photojournalism and playing with their two Portuguese Water Dogs, Dakota and Molly.

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