by George D. Todd; Thursday, May 19th at 5:47PM EDT; 19 Comments
In his speech today, President Obama regurgitated his far left, apologist manifesto. While millions continue to struggle through America’s economic meltdown, crushing unemployment, free-falling housing market, and paralyzing gasoline prices, President Obama announced his generous plans for the United States to forgive billions in Egyptian debt and loan billions more to create jobs in the Middle East. (If this sounds strangely reminiscent of Obama's failed domestic stimulus package, it is.) The President announced these enormous concessions despite widespread, bipartisan concern, that Egypt and other Muslim countries may wind-up being ruled by governments hostile to the United States. Knowledgeable observers have also warned that countries currently foundering on an ocean of political unrest, may wind-up with hostile entities, like Al Qadea and the Muslin Brotherhood, controlling new governments in the Middle East. Credible critics of President Obama's plan allege his actions were rash and premature. Some commentators see the President's actions as additional evidence of an unfortunate “chip on the President's shoulder”. They even suggest that the President is seeking to punish the United States for many years of discrimination suffered by Blacks in America.
Perhaps Mr. Obama’s most absurd, although highly revealing, statement was his demand that Israel surrender strategic territory secured during the 1967 war; returning to borders purportedly existing at that time. One could not list all the reasons this would be a bad idea for Israel. The most important reason is that implementation of the 1967 borders would eventually result in Israel’s complete annihilation. Apparently, Mr. Obama is either so arrogant, uninformed, or both, that he thinks he can destroy Israel, our only real Middle Eastern ally; or, knowing that Israel will never capitulate to such a reckless, unilateral concession, he has some undisclosed, potentially diabolical reason for making this NON-credible demand. Either way, it is insanity on an international scale. Fortunately, Israel will not roll-over like various insincere Congressional representatives, who are regularly bamboozled and persuaded by the leftist President. It appears that Mr. Obama has finally jabbed his stubby finger into the muscles of a worthy opponent. As far as President Obama and the Democrats are concerned, that was a serious mistake.
Patriotic Americans have been anticipating the showdown in the Middle East for a long time. Despite President Obama's bias for Palestinians and Muslim countries, it will be very surprising if most Americans do not support our Israeli ally. The Israelis are not like the “repubican” lapdogs that are so easily manipulated. It appears that President Obama has bitten-off more than he can chew one time too many.
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