
Friday, October 15, 2010

Which Wrong is More Right?

Which Wrong is More Right?
I am sick and tired of all the duplicitous politicians plundering America. Rarely do contemporary political maggots accomplish anything that doesn't include significant benefit for themselves. These power-drunk examples of human garbage ought to be thrown-out with the rest of the trash.

Conservative pundits like Ruse Limbutt and Har-Dee-Har Hannity would have us believe that things will change for the better if the democrats lose their congressional majority. They will change all right; there'll be a new group of thieving foxes in charge of the hen house - the same group of vermin who raped America for 8 years under Bush. It queers common sense to believe the same greed-driven hypocrits have suddenly been struck honest, becoming more concerned with the welfare of the American public than the size of their own bank accounts.

The US government is comprised of a bunch of well-dressed con artists whose primary purpose is placating taxpayers with one hand, while robbing them blind with the other.

It is not a choice between right and wrong; it is a question of which wrong is more right! ("The Siege")

Truthtale †¥♠

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