Considering the overwhelming majority of Americans supporting the relocation of the proposed Ground Zero Mosque, it is disheartening, at best, that some liberal politicians seem more interested in using the mosque as a pawn in a game of partisan politics, than honorably discharging the obligations of their offices. A few leftist politicians have even stooped so low as to characterize people opposing the mosque as enemies of democracy, haters of religious freedom, racists, Islamophobes, and worse.
Nothing could more adequately illustrate this point than the ongoing antics of New York City's mayor, Michael Bloomberg. Mayor “Mike” has staunchly supported the conspiracy to erect a multi-million dollar mega-mosque over Ground Zero from day one. He has even suggested that New York City taxes be used to help fund the mosque. Bloomberg’s improbable advocacy for the highly controversial mega-mosque is so completely contrary to the consensus of the overwhelming majority of the Mayor's constituents, that serious questions about his underlying motivation must be explored.
Residents of New York City learned, long ago, to beware ulterior governmental motives, in general; however, when Mike Bloomberg is involved, even more careful scrutiny is warranted. Before Bloomberg became mayor, he was a billionaire businessman. When he is no longer mayor, he will still be a billionaire businessman. Bearing this in mind, would it be surprising to learn that Mayor Mike’s zealous support for the dubious mega-mosque has little to do with upholding the Constitution, but springs from personal business and financial concerns? According to sources, in 2009 or 2010, entities controlled by Bloomberg began extensive business ventures in the Mid-East. Is it possible that Mayor Mike's fervent support for the Ground Zero mega-mosque is really a thinly veiled effort to create goodwill for his fledgling business ventures in Arab countries? Actually, a better question would be, “Is there really any room for doubt?”
Mike Bloomberg has already managed to manipulate a highly unusual third term as New York City’s mayor. Thankfully, he has no chance of finagling a fourth term. However, from his lame duck, political perspective, he no longer has anything to fear by thumbing his nose at New Yorkers. If information about the expansion of Bloomberg’s billion-dollar business empire into Middle Eastern countries is true, it would constitute a highly attractive motivation to generate as much goodwill as possible among Arab countries; countries largely inhabited by hard-line Muslims. Bloomberg’s cavalier, “hands-off” policy, becomes even more suspicious considering allegations that many Muslims, both foreign and domestic, believe a mega-mosque towering over Ground Zero would forever memorialize Islam’s conquest, in the heart of Manhattan, on 9-11.
Fortunately, the opposition to the Ground Zero mega-Mosque is not so easily discouraged, even when challenged by an arrogant, billionaire egomaniac, like Bloomberg. Seriously threatening the economic well-being of Mayor Mike’s financial empire will certainly capture his attention. Simply turning-off the Bloomberg News Network is a great place to start. A boycott of goods and services of Bloomberg-connected businesses will achieve the objective even faster. Refusing to conduct business with entities supporting and advertising on Bloomberg's networks will also prove effective. If you want a businessman to take you seriously, reducing the profit margin of businesses he controls is generally a safe place to start.
Before long, boycotts aimed at the entire Bloomberg business empire will be in full swing. As financial pressure increases, he will either stop making slanderous allegations, such as labeling opponents of the mega-mosque Islamophobes, or, financial damage to his empire will increase accordingly. More importantly, Bloomberg will finally be forced to investigate all the sources of money used to build the mega-mosque and to determine if sponsors are tied to terrorist organizations.
The foregoing demands are merely common sense measures any prudent mayor would have immediately implemented when serious questions about the mega-mosque first arose! What's Mayor Mike's excuse? He alleges building a mega-mosque over Ground Zero is a matter of Constitutionally protected activity under the "Freedom of Religion" provision of the First Amendment. Any mediocre first year law student could cite a dozen reasons why the "religious freedom" argument is totally inapplicable - as a matter of law. Is Mayor Mike placing the demands of potential terrorists ahead of the legitimate concerns of New Yorkers; or, do his personal business concerns provide a better explanation for his bizarre behavior?
The mere fact that the government of New York City has deteriorated to such a degree, that the mayor must be forced to honestly execute the duties and responsibilities of his office, offers a stark and sad commentary about the probable extent of corruption riddling the City government. While any governmental corruption is clearly unacceptable, it would be truly unforgivable if Mayor Bloomberg has selfishly placed his own financial interests ahead of the
interests of the citizens he swore to represent and protect.
Truthtale †¥♠
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