Considering the overwhelming majority of Americans who want the Ground Zero Mosque relocated, it becomes incredibly infuriating to hear some elected officials hollering about how "wrong" relocation would be. Some even label people opposing the mosque as: “enemies of democracy”, “haters of religious freedom”, “racists”, “Islamophobes”, and much worse. Perhaps nothing could illustrate this point more perfectly than the ongoing antics of the mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg.
Mayor “Mike” has supported the conspiracy to erect a multi-million dollar mosque over Ground Zero from day one. Recently, he even suggested that money collected in payment of New York City taxes should be used to help build the mosque. Bloomberg’s actions have been so contrary to the clearly expressed interests of the overwhelming majority of New Yorkers, that serious questions have arisen about Bloomberg’s underlying motivation for such stringent advocacy of the Ground Zero Mosque.
It is no secret that Bloomberg is a billionaire businessman. In fact, some observer’s claim that Mayor Mike’s fervent support of the mosque has nothing to do with concerns about religious freedom. They say his interest actually springs from undisclosed, personal, financial concerns. According to sources, in 2009 or 2010, businesses controlled by Bloomberg began extensive ventures in Arab Countries. Conservative author and talk show host, Dr. Michael Savage, revealed that he has credible information that Dubai will be the epicenter of Bloomberg’s overseas business activity. Is it possible that Mayor Mike is so forcefully in favor of the Ground Zero Mosque because he wants to create good will in Arab countries for financial reasons related to his businesses? Actually, a better question would be, “Is there any room for doubt?”
Mike Bloomberg has already manipulated a highly unusual third term as mayor. He has no chance of serving a fourth term. Thus, from his political, lame duck, perspective, he has little to lose by thwarting the will of New Yorkers who elected him mayor. However, if predictions about Bloomberg’s billion-dollar business empire expanding into Arab countries were true, he would have tremendous financial motivation to generate as much goodwill as possible among Arab countries (where most people are Ground Zero Mosque-supporting Muslims).
People against the Ground Zero Mosque are not without weapons, even when challenged by an arrogant, billionaire egomaniac, like Mayor Mike. There is no reason to tolerate Bloomberg’s abuse of office. Threatening his financial interests may force Mayor Mike to reconsider his uncompromising, hard-line approach. If all the people opposing the Ground Zero Mosque boycott businesses in which Mike Bloomberg has an interest, threatening his economic empire, his undivided attention will be quickly commanded. This can be accomplished by turning-off the Bloomberg News Network, whether broadcast over cable, satellite, or on the radio. A boycott aimed at purchasing products and services of sponsors of Bloomberg-connected businesses will achieve capitulation that much faster. Soon, the full array of businesses comprising the Bloomberg business empire will be exposed. Then, those businesses will also be subjected to boycotts. As financial pressure increases, either he will stop making slanderous allegations, such as labeling opponents of the mosque, “Islamophobes,” or financial damage to his empire will continue to grow accordingly. Bloomberg will be forced to properly execute the responsibilities of his office and investigate the sources of money used to build the mosque and the real reason Faisel Abdul Raul insists on building a mosque over Ground Zero - whether to “foster healing” or to erect a dark memorial to the murderous Islamic psychopaths of 9-11.
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