I am officially sick to death of all the hardboiled BS we are currently expected to stomach in the name of political correctness. Let's be frank from the start, the Obama Experiment has been a total disaster; but due to PC and because we're supposed to give the first Afro-American president a LOT of leeway, Americans, journalists and commentators, alike, are largely afraid to speak truthfully, to wit: Obama not ONLY failed to keep his campaign promises - he never made any real attempt to fulfill them.
The only truthful statement about Obama is, "He's not stupid." Unfortunately, that means he never intended to honor his campaign promises. They were only a clever pack of lies designed to hook desperate voters after 8 years of BUSH. At that time, most people of good faith did not even consider the possibility that Obama never intended to fulfill his promises; that he was merely playing politics.
Today, less than 2 years after Obama first set foot in the White House, our country is in nearly the worst (political, racial, & moral) shape in its history - including under the feckless George W. Bush. Frankly, I'd dance a jig to have "W" back today, and, believe me, I despised the politician. Obama, however, so far has been worse.
To all you freakish, P.C. know-it-all's, just wait until FRIDAY (August 27). If you think the stock market bombed on Tuesday, after the devastating housing market news, (-27%) you ain't seen nothing yet. On FRIDAY, even more ominous economic indicators will be released, and experts widely agree that the NYSE tickers will plunge through the floor. I hope they're wrong, but am preparing for the worst.
I'm also sick of how delicately Obama and his liberal drones are treated - apparently because of some misguided fear of failing to be politically correct. People should be screaming at the top of their lungs that Obama has been a lousy president - making one poor decision after another. Not merely a lousy president, but among the worst to ever occupy the office. It's not just his ineptness that destroys, it's the fact that he has given wings to extremely destructive forces.
A perfect example is all the BS swirling around Feisel Abdul Raul. The man is clearly attempting to build a mosque near GROUND ZERO in a BAD FAITH, IN YOUR FACE, effort to force his political, religious and ANTI-AMERICAN beliefs on gullible, pathetically PC liberals and others. How can something so obvious gain such support? The answer is "easily" with the Obamaniacs in control.
Many people are finally waking-up to the grim truth that Raul is a disingenuous, duplicitous salesman, peddling a fraudulent bill of goods. Obama supporters ought to be branded, to let people with common sense know that they are dealing with someone who thinks being politically correct is a virtue; a religious calling; something on par with divinity. It sounds stupid (because it is stupid.)
I'm off track, again. The points are:
1. Treat Barack Hussein Obama with the same tough scrutiny accorded previous presidents. Don't bend over backwards, as he makes mistake after mistake, simply because he's the first Afro-American president (PC taken to absurd levels.) Obama, himself, has said he wants a "color blind" society, although his words are continually belied by his actions. He has not tried to heal differences between races. He has shamelessly exploited differences, creating one of the most racially divided atmospheres to ever darken the United States. He has almost, single-handedly, created the N.B.P.P. payback mentality of, "Now you'll see what it's like to be ruled by a Black man, honkey" - INSTEAD of becoming the instrument of racial understanding he promised in his fantastical campaign;
2. Stop slobbering over Feisel Abdul Raul and get beyond the sentiment that the only reason folks oppose the GZM is Islamaphobia. If Mr. Raul cared one wit about "fostering healing," he would have moved the site of the GROUND ZERO Mosque faster than a lie rolls off the tip of Obama's tongue. Everyone can utilize the outcome in the Raul-GZM controversy to guage how accurate their own political analysis has been. I will certainly be doing so and if I've been wrong about Raul's mosque on Ground Zero, I'll accept it, end of story;
3. Perhaps we can begin taking actions to heal America. It has become obvious that neither democrat nor republican politicians are trustworthy, today. The time has come when alternatives must be considered. One key may be the grass roots cooperation of Americans of goodwill; Black, White, Christian, Muslim, Jew, Asian, all of us.
In sum, corporations, together with the greedy and even traitorous politicians they control, are destroying the United States of America, step by pitiful step. The time has come to stop their greed-driven insanity. Although we face many seemingly overwhelming problems, we also have powerful tools and many good people, willing to fight to save our way of life. The ultimate key is community; grass roots is a great place to start.
Truthtale †¥♠
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