
Thursday, July 8, 2010


Endless Obama-friendly-drivel spews forth from the leftwing popular press. Except for a few broadcasters and the Internet, who express ideas other than Obama’s, we would be completely at the mercy of this propaganda. If the leftwing Democrats have their way, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Marc Levin, Michael Savage, and a few others who oppose liberal dogma, would be banned from the airwaves altogether and forever. Without their message, which provides some balance to the endless torrent of Nobamian philosophy, the public would hear nothing but ranting leftwing ideologues.

Even people who disagree with the Conservative message will benefit by hearing viewpoints contrary to Obama and his minions. Conversely, conservatives have no alternative but to hear leftist beliefs because they are continually bombarded with Obama-friendly reports and commentary; examples include coverage of Obamacare, illegal aliens, and the oil disaster.

Can you imagine the righteous indignation if Bush had banned news helicopters from flying over the Lower Ninth Ward after Katrina? The racist media would burn Bush at the stake. Even marginally honest leftist radicals cannot deny that result. Yet when Napolitano (the titular head of Homeland Security) banned news helicopters from flying over the Gulf of Mexico, there was a tight press blackout. More recently, Attorney General Eric Holder ordered the Department of Justice to dismiss a default judgment in a voter intimidation case against members of the New Black Panther Party, purportedly because the defendants were Black and plaintiffs White. Almost nothing appears in Homeland media. Why aren’t more Americans outraged at the distorted, overwhelming fiction that passes for news today?

Almost every mainstream reporter has become a willing cog in Obama’s publicity machine. The Majority of voters were opposed to Obamacare, but Obama rammed it down our throats anyway. Regardless, state-run media carried only praise for Obama’s brilliance – not even mentioning the opposition of the Majority! Conversely, the Majority strongly supports Arizona’s anti-illegal alien legislation and Obama is attacking it. Everyone knows that Obama and his henchmen couldn’t care less about lawbreaking aliens. The only reason Democrats are fighting so hard for amnesty, is to flood the United States with people who will vote for their candidates. It is a transparent quid pro quo; we’ll let you stay but you owe us your vote in November. This is the most flagrant and despicable example of election fraud imaginable and every Democrat responsible is accountable, including Obama and Holder. Why isn't this crucial story carried by the "Homeland" media? If the issue is really the alien's wellbeing and not gaining additional democrat voters, then allow the illegals to stay but deny them the right to vote in the November midterm elections. Then we would see what the Democrats were really after.

If serious restraints are not immediately imposed on this Majority-hating president, it’s impossible to contemplate the full extent of damages the United States will sustain. Obama and his Democrat minions have made one thing perfectly clear, that they despise traditional American values and are determined to destroy the Majority’s America by virtually any and all means necessary. Our revered Founding Fathers, like: Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson and Adams, would move to England before living in a country modeled after Obama’s socialist ideologies.

Margaret Thatcher said: "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money to spend." Too bad Nobama missed her lecture and lacks her life experience.


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