The United States is falling apart under Obama. It is hard to understand how so many people can remain so oblivious. The worst is yet to come if taxes increase to the rates established before the Bush Tax Cuts. Maybe after January 1, 2011, when taxpayers feel the full impact of runaway taxation, the truth will finally register. Unfortunately, that may be too late.
I never thought I'd see a President worse than George W. Bush, but then came Obama. If he is not stopped from destroying that which took far better men centuries to create, America will cease to exist.
One commentator summed it up as follows: "If you see Obama's lips moving, you know he is lying!" Can you think of one campaign promise Obama has kept? He did fulfill his campaign mantra "change, change, change," unfortunately, almost all of those changes have been toxic to the Majority.
Even the $20 billion dollars from BP will be significantly reduced after taxes are imposed - just in time for those hefty tax increases. The one ray of hope is that many more Americans are realizing that Obama lacks the character and substance to lead. He is like the captain of a sinking vessel who not only refuses to repair the boat, but cannot even admit the ship is sinking. Come on, Barry - row it ashore so we can save ourselves.
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