
Friday, June 25, 2010


Does anyone else feel like we’re drowning? It seems like every time a little hope appears on the horizon, the Obamaniac Regime quickly destroys it!

For example, Scott Brown won “The Kennedy Chair” in Taxachusetts, making it appear as though Obamacare would finally be defeated. This was a very good thing, considering the majority of voters opposed the healthcare monstrosity. Congressional Democrats promptly had their arms twisted by the resident-dictator, forcing fence sitters to capitulate (not without huge concessions (bribes) from the Nobama White House.) The fact that the majority of voters opposed the measure was meaningless to our democrat representatives.

Now, a majority of voters firmly oppose amnesty and want our borders closed. That seems simple enough. However, since it appears amnesty will fail in Congress, the Obamian Regime is preparing to circumvent congress and enact it by presidential proclamation. Nobamian politicians couldn’t care less about illegal aliens. They only want to swell the ranks of democrat voters by the November midterm election to avert the complete annihilation of congressional democrats. It will be a miracle if the country is not torn apart by these devious political ploys.

Frankly, considering the success of all these selfish, political machinations, with so many voters ignoring this outrageously undemocratic conduct, sometimes it feels as though drowning is a better alternative.


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